Outcome: You will have started the Project Design Document for your personal project.

Submission Instructions

  1. Start by making an copy of the Project Design Document template. If you need tips on how to do this, expand the instructions below. Then…
  2. Make sure that you have completed the PDD as completely as you can.
  3. Submit a shared link with comment privilages to the PDD.
Working With Google Docs And Canvas
Making an editable copy of a **View Only** Google Doc
  1. File > Make a copy
  2. Give the new file a meaningful name.
  3. Organize the new file to an appropriate folder
Linking to another Google document

In the document you want to share:

  1. Click on the blue **Share** button in the upper right corner of the document you want to link to.
  2. In the Share with others dialog, click on the green Get sharable link button in the upper right corner of the dialog.
  3. Select the Anyone at South Kitsap School District can comment option
  4. Copy the link.

In the document where you want the link:

  1. Click in the location where you want the link.
  2. Paste the link.
  3. Type a space or press Enter so that the link is recognized and made active – it will turn blue.

Submitting Google Docs through Canvas